Supreme 2024

Hate that you’re missing out on the fun of Supreme 2022?

Start making plans now to join Supreme 2024!

Sessions start with Vespers and Grand Cross on Sunday morning, and the Supreme Banquet Sunday night

Tours/Interesting sites of Hampton are usually offered in the days before the sessions begin!

Thank you from Micaela

Ohio Rainbow, thank you for the best year of my life. You have truly made such an impact on me and allowed my biggest dream to come true! I had the best weekend leading you in our 2022 Grand Assembly sessions, even if there were many tears that were shed.

Best of luck to the newly elected and appointed officers for the 2022-2023 Grand Year. I have no doubt that you will shine under the direction of GWA Chrissy!

I hope that the many things you learned this year will stay with you, that you will continue to travel and seek new adventures, that you will keep finding where Rainbow will take you, and that you’ll remember forever that “travel opens your heart, broadens your mind, and fills you life with stories to tell.”

Micaela Leach

Jr. Past Grand Worthy Advisor
