2022 Grand Assembly Registration

June 30th - July 2nd, 2022


Registration is now live!

General Registrants: Register here.

Grand Executive Committee, Special Committee, Deputies, and Jr. Executives: Register here.

FULL TIME REGISTRATION: $60. Full time registrations must be made in advance by May 15th.

  • Admission to all events of Grand Assembly including the Friday Night Party and Saturday Evening’s Dance 

  • The Grand Luncheon on Friday, dinner on Friday evening, and lunch on Saturday. Dinner on Saturday before Installation is on your own.

  • Program and other materials in registration packet 

DAILY REGISTRATION: Price as listed. Daily registrations must be made in advance by May 15th.

  • Friday - $25 - includes lunch, program, morning session, and afternoon session. (The Friday Night Party is only eligible for full time registrants.)

  • Saturday - $30 - includes lunch, program, morning session, pledge session (afternoon), and Installation (evening).

  • Saturday - $5 - Installation Dance. Price of Dance is included for full time registrants. Daily registrants will need to pay $5 at the door. 

AT THE DOOR: $5/session. Those who register at the door will not be able to join the lunches or dinner.

Overview of Events:

  • Thursday

    • Morning and afternoon rehearsals

    • Evening: Grand Cross of Color

  • Friday:

    • Morning session: Opening, Initiation, and Memorial Service

    • Grand Luncheon: processional of Grand Deputies, Mother Advisors, Worthy advisors. Dignitary presentations and greetings from our Grand Worthy Advisor.

    • Afternoon session: Grand Rep Parade, Majority Service, Elections, and Appointments followed by Installation Practice

    • Buffet dinner

    • Friday Night Party

  • Saturday:

    • Morning session: Awards, flag presentations and tributes, Closing, Courtesy

    • Buffet lunch

    • Pledge Ceremony

    • Free Time - dinner on own

    • Installation

    • Dance


Which hotel are we staying at? This is purposefully not posted online. Please inquire with your Deputy, Board Chairman, or Mother Advisor.

Is breakfast included at hotel? A continental breakfast will be available.

Do I need to call the hotel to make my reservation? No. Ohio Grand Assembly will book your room for you and will follow-up with you regarding your room information after you register.

What is the dress code for practices: Business casual 

When and where are Grand Representative Flags, Reports, and Costumes due? 

  • Reports due to Mom Joan Robinson by 6/1

  • Flags: Send or bring to Grand Floor Officers practice on 6/25 or make other arrangements to deliver to Pat Gnepper or Lori Schmidt by that date.

  • Costumes: The parade will be held during the Friday afternoon session of Grand Assembly. Descriptions of costumes will be due at a TBA date.

  • Flag Escorts: You will not need a flag escort this year. 

Will we be utilizing flag escorts and tributes?

Yes – flags will be escorted and receive their tributes during the Saturday morning session.  

Will we have Grand Deputy escorts?

Yes – we will have the Deputies escorted by their escorts into the Grand Luncheon on Friday

Will we have heralds? 

Yes and there will be a practice for them on Thursday afternoon, time TBA

Do we need to submit a District Banner? 

Yes – your banner will be escorted during the processional to the Grand Luncheon on Friday 

Will the honor court be used traditionally this year?

Yes and there will be a practice held for them in the Grand Assembly Room at the Dayton Masonic Center on Thursday at 5pm 

Will there be virtual elements for Grand Assembly this year? 

Yes. More info, including how to register, to come. 

Will there be marches? 

Yes – there will be processional and recessional marches on Friday and Saturday morning. 

Will there be a jewelry room?

Yes but we also recommend reaching out to Ohio’s Jewelry contact, Melissa Cooley, prior to Grand Assembly to communicate your needs to her so she can be sure to have them for you at Grand Assembly and/or manage our inventory more efficiently. You can email her at OhioJewelryLady@gmail.com 

Will there be mascots this year? 


Will there be scrapbooks this year?


Will there be a choir this year?

Yes. There will be a practice after the Dist 6 & 8 reception and Statewide Initiation as well as 5pm on Thursday of Grand Assembly in the Grand Assembly Room. 

Will there be a choir book cover contest?


Will there be a minute book cover contest?

Yes- please submit entries to Crissy Willeke by June 1st. Please contact her at crissy.willeke@yahoo.com to obtain her mailing address. 

Will there be Super Teams this year? 


Will there be a Friday Night Party?


What COVID Safety Protocols will be in place?

Please monitor the News section of OhioRainbow.org for the latest information about our protocols. 

What amenities will be available at the Dayton Masonic Center? 

  • Changing Rooms: There will be designated changing rooms for each major group of participants (attendees at large, dignitaries, Ohio Grand Assembly Advisors, Ohio Grand Assembly Grand Officers). 

  • Security: Security will be provided by the Dayton Masonic Center but all attendees will be responsible for their belongings. 

  • Parking: Parking is complimentary and located on the west end of the building. 

Will there be live candidates for Initiation?

Yes – if you know of a potential candidate please reach out to your District’s Grand Deputy.

COVID Guidelines as of 3.7.22

Ohio Rainbow COVID Guidelines for all attendees of all Ohio Rainbow events as of March 7th, 2022 and until the Grand Executive Committee declares otherwise:

  1. All attendees of events need to sign the waiver upon arrival or have a signed copy on file.

  2. All attendees must be able to answer no to all of the COVID Screening Questions .

  3. All Assemblies should monitor the CDC Risk level of the county in which their event is held and can do so here.

    1. LOW & MEDIUM Risk Counties: Events held in low and medium risk counties may be held as we did prior to the pandemic.

    2. HIGH Risk Counties: High risk counties should conduct social distancing as outlined here. Masks are optional.

Current Information about Ohio Masonic Youth Leadership Day

Ohio Masonic Youth Leadership Day ($12 per ticket)

This event is for Active Ohio Rainbow, DeMolay and their Advisors. Sales are limited to 65 Rainbow Youth and 65 DeMolay Youth and the Advisors necessary to get the members to the event. There is no training or programming for Advisors.

** Due to Job's Daughters International COVID protocols, Ohio Job's Daughter's Members and Advisors are unable to participate. Unless they are an Active Member of Ohio Rainbow or an Active Advisor DeMolay or Rainbow**

Ticket Sales end on 3/16/22 at 12:00am.

This fun and engaging day is designed for the youth who are a part of Masonic Youth Groups Ohio. Through activity and deep dialogue, we will look at the challenges that youth face every day, what it means to create healthy and positive relationships, and the skills needed in showing compassion and empathy for others. There is no programming/training for Advisors as part of this year's programming.

March 26th, 2022

10am - 3pm

Aladdin Shrine Center

1801 Gateway Circle,

Grove City, OH 43123


Be Featured By Supreme Assembly!

Rainbow marks its 100th year on April 9th, 2022! On Sunday, April 3rd - Supreme Assembly will air a Supreme Assembly Founder's Day International Sunday event featuring Rainbow girls from around the world!

Each active member has 2 opportunities to be featured in the event:

  1. Submit a video: Any girl may submit a 20 second vide on "What Rainbow Means to Me".

    1. For privacy reasons, she should not use her name or jurisdiction.

    2. Horizontal videos are preferred.

  2. Submit a picture: Any girl may submit a picture of herself and 3 words that describe what Rainbow means to her.

Videos and pictures should be emailed with first and last name and jurisdiction to foundersday@nebraskarainbowgirls.com by March 6th. Attire for videos and pictures should be meeting attire.

Submitting these videos and pictures would be more fun if done together at your next meeting! Designate some time after the meeting for girls to film each other while they share their "What Rainbow Means to Me". Having a front row seat to the undoubted bloopers alone will be worth it!
I hope to see lots of Ohio girls in the event that day!

Xx -

Mom Whitney

Save the Date! - 3rd Annual Tri-Youth Leadership Day

This is older information - for the most up to date information - scroll up to the 2/26/2022 post!

Please save the date for the 3rd Annual Tri-Youth Leadership Day on March 26th from 10am to 3pm at the Aladdin Shrine in Grove City, Ohio.
We will be having each a track for Adults and Youth that day, info below. This day and its development opportunity for our members and advisors is brought to us by the Grand Lodge of Ohio who is extending the resources of their Masonic Model Student Assistance Program to us, DeMolay, and Job's Daughters. Sessions are lead by education and developmental experts. I highly encourage attendance.

*I am still waiting to receive final capacity numbers for this event from our contact with the Grand Lodge. Once available, a registration document will be circulated* (Thanks for your patience here, doing the best I can!)

Youth Session:

  • Theme: Seeding Intentional Positivity

  • Description: Research suggests that for every negative daily experience a human being faces, they must counteract that with three positive daily experiences. We expect to reach happiness and remain happy, when in actuality, happiness comes and goes from our lives. Positivity, though, can be intentionally seeded into our daily routines.

  • Those who can intentionally seed positivity into their lives will find themselves physically, socially, and emotionally healthier and more resilient. This session draws on positivity research from Dr. Barbara Frederickson, and explores seven research-based positivity practices through activity and dialogue.

Adult Session:

  • Theme: Developmental Relationships

  • Description: The SEARCH Institute in Minneapolis, MN has dedicated decades of its research to studying, understanding, and quantifying developmental relationships. These adult to youth relationships, when effectively in place, are found to provide the following benefits:

  • Increases resilience in the face of stress

  • Strengthens social emotional learning

  • Enhances academic achievement motivation

  • Deepens responsibility for one’s own actions

  • Decreases the likelihood of engaging in high-risk behaviors

  • This session will introduce the SEARCH Institute’s Developmental Relationships Framework and provide advisors with tangible actions to enhance developmental relationships within their youth organization.

COVID Guidelines 11.17.21

Key changes:

  • Masks are now optional

  • The screening questions have been updated to reflect vaccination status

  • Dining restrictions have been reduced

Ohio Rainbow COVID Guidelines for all attendees of all Ohio Rainbow events as of November 17th, 2021 until the Grand Executive Committee declares otherwise - whichever comes first:

  1. Masks are optional for all attendees of Ohio Rainbow sanctioned events.

  2. Individuals who answer yes to any of the questions contained within the COVID Screening Questions are not permitted to attend.

  3. Any COVID protocols issued by the meeting location should be followed in addition to these guidelines outlined herein.

  4. Social Distancing must be observed indoors:

    1. Maintain 6 feet of distance between you and others from outside your household.

    2. Hosts of events should cap attendance to a number that will allow for distancing to be observed throughout the event. Collecting RSVPs is encouraged; Google Forms or Eventbrite are helpful tools to do so.

    3. Below is some information about how to socially distance during ritualistic work.

    4. Rainbow Members and Advisors participating in or at Rainbow sanctioned events held in venues beyond the control of Rainbow must observe social distancing.

  5. Seated dining must include social distancing. Refreshments, if offered, should be designed to minimize handling. ie: individual bags of chips rather than a bowl of chips

The following is likewise implied:

  1. Vaccine cards will not be required to be shown as proof of vaccination.

  2. Obedience to the COVID Screening Questions operates on an honor system.

  3. The liability waiver from Supreme Assembly is still in place and is required for all persons in attendance at a Rainbow function to submit prior to attending/upon arrival. This form will be required with registration at Grand Assembly.

Guidance for Socially Distanced Ritualistic Work:

·       Marching: should be 6 feet apart so you might want to skip this if that's too tedious for a simple meeting

·       Sitting: No one should be sitting closer than 6 feet from each other (unless they're in their own household together anyways) so audience members and station chairs should be placed accordingly 

·       Passing: It's ok for members to come within 6 feet of each other when passing for ritualistic floor work 

·       Talking: When an office is talking to another office, they should be 6 feet apart (ie: when Hope and Charity meet at the altar - 6 ft apart. When Drill Leader comes to escort in the officers, she stops 6 feet prior to them...) 

·       Touching:  No touching. 

o   No transferring of objects. Just go without/mock the part. Some of this might look a little silly. It's ok. 

o   No arm-led escorting, ideally the escort is having the escorted person follow 6ft behind her

·       Singing: No singing. Either have the song played instrumentally, from a recording, or by 1 designated person/a soloist

·       No collecting of the traditional word - have adults be able to vouch for a girl should there ever be question

·       Praying: Ensure that WA and MA step back from Chaplain while she speaks into the microphone, if using

·       Balloting: 

o   Spray/clean the balls/cubes prior to putting into the container

o   Have sanitizer available from Charity upon departing the alter - girls to sanitize their hands after casting their ballot

·       Initiation in Person:

o   Be sure your candidate is aware of what will be happening and how you're preparing to maintain social distancing. It's important that they are comfortable - otherwise, do not proceed. There are a few ways you can go about this:

§  The closest to normal: Have the candidate follow Faith, 6ft back. Faith may need to give more cues about where the sister should ultimately stop or otherwise - it is ok for Faith to audibly make such statements like "Go stand 6 ft away from the Yellow pedestal there"

§  The next closest: Have the candidate(s) sit on the sidelines, 6 ft apart, and have a current member act in the above described "closest to normal" situation. 

§  The third situation: see your Grand Deputy. 

§  The route you choose should be based on the comfort level of all initiation participants. Regardless of what you choose, you could host another complete initiation for these initiates once we are able to return to normal initiatory work. 

o   No grip of the order - they'll learn it later!

o   Ribbons should be carried by the station's officer and placed thereon. The candidate should stand 6 ft clear of this act.

o   No traditional word - we'll share it at a later time! 

o   Lambskin Aprons should be picked up by each initiate and just held in their hands rather than Charity picking them up and placing on candidate

o   If rose ceremony, initiates pick up the rose from the pile/vase rather than Faith picking up the rose and handing to initiate .

o   Signing the bylaws - offer sanitizer on the desk for girls to use after using the pen to sign