COVID Guidelines 9.15.21 - 11.30.21

Ohio Rainbow COVID Guidelines for all attendees of all Ohio Rainbow events as of September 15, 2021 through November 30, 2021 or until the Grand Executive Committee declares otherwise - whichever comes first:

  1. Masks are required while indoors for all attendees of Ohio Rainbow sanctioned events.

  2. Individuals who answer yes to any of the questions contained within the COVID Screening Questions are not permitted to attend.

  3. Any COVID protocols issued by the meeting location should be followed in addition to these guidelines outlined herein.

  4. Social Distancing must be observed indoors:

    1. Maintain 6 feet of distance between you and others from outside your household.

    2. Hosts of events should cap attendance to a number that will allow for distancing to be observed throughout the event. Collecting RSVPs is encouraged; Google Forms or Eventbrite are helpful tools to do so.

    3. Below is some information about how to socially distance during ritualistic work.

  5. Seated dining is discouraged.

    1. Refreshments, if offered, should be designed for grab-and-go consumption while commuting from the event.

    2. If seated dining is necessary (ie: a meal for grand officers between the practice and statewide initiation) then people must be distanced while seated and only remove their masks while actively eating. Mask should be on while socializing, even while seated at the table, when not actively taking bites of food.

  6. Rainbow Members and Advisors participating in or at Rainbow sanctioned events held in venues beyond the control of Rainbow must wear masks indoors, avoid seated dining, and observe social distancing.

The following is likewise implied:

  1. Vaccine cards will not be required to be shown as proof of vaccination.

  2. Obedience to the COVID Screening Questions operates on an honor system.

  3. The liability waiver from Supreme Assembly is still in place and is required for all persons in attendance at a Rainbow function to submit prior to attending/upon arrival. This form will be required with registration at Grand Assembly.

Guidance for Socially Distanced Ritualistic Work:

·       Marching: should be 6 feet apart so you might want to skip this if that's too tedious for a simple meeting

·       Sitting: No one should be sitting closer than 6 feet from each other (unless they're in their own household together anyways) so audience members and station chairs should be placed accordingly 

·       Passing: It's ok for members to come within 6 feet of each other when passing for ritualistic floor work 

·       Talking: When an office is talking to another office, they should be 6 feet apart (ie: when Hope and Charity meet at the altar - 6 ft apart. When Drill Leader comes to escort in the officers, she stops 6 feet prior to them...) 

·       Touching:  No touching. 

o   No transferring of objects. Just go without/mock the part. Some of this might look a little silly. It's ok. 

o   No arm-led escorting, ideally the escort is having the escorted person follow 6ft behind her

·       Singing: No singing. Either have the song played instrumentally, from a recording, or by 1 designated person/a soloist

·       No collecting of the traditional word - have adults be able to vouch for a girl should there ever be question

·       Praying: Ensure that WA and MA step back from Chaplain while she speaks into the microphone, if using

·       Balloting: 

o   Spray/clean the balls/cubes prior to putting into the container

o   Have sanitizer available from Charity upon departing the alter - girls to sanitize their hands after casting their ballot

·       Initiation in Person:

o   Be sure your candidate is aware of what will be happening and how you're preparing to maintain social distancing. It's important that they are comfortable - otherwise, do not proceed. There are a few ways you can go about this:

§  The closest to normal: Have the candidate follow Faith, 6ft back. Faith may need to give more cues about where the sister should ultimately stop or otherwise - it is ok for Faith to audibly make such statements like "Go stand 6 ft away from the Yellow pedestal there"

§  The next closest: Have the candidate(s) sit on the sidelines, 6 ft apart, and have a current member act in the above described "closest to normal" situation. 

§  The third situation: see your Grand Deputy. 

§  The route you choose should be based on the comfort level of all initiation participants. Regardless of what you choose, you could host another complete initiation for these initiates once we are able to return to normal initiatory work. 

o   No grip of the order - they'll learn it later!

o   Ribbons should be carried by the station's officer and placed thereon. The candidate should stand 6 ft clear of this act.

o   No traditional word - we'll share it at a later time! 

o   Lambskin Aprons should be picked up by each initiate and just held in their hands rather than Charity picking them up and placing on candidate

o   If rose ceremony, initiates pick up the rose from the pile/vase rather than Faith picking up the rose and handing to initiate .

o   Signing the bylaws - offer sanitizer on the desk for girls to use after using the pen to sign

2021 Grand Assembly Information


Ohio Rainbow’s Executive Committee is working hard to create a Grand Assembly experience that is both memorable and safe for all participants. It’s our goal to have an experience that’s as close as possible to the likes of a pre-pandemic Ohio Grand Assembly while also ensuring the safety of our youth members and advisors.  The plans outlined herein are as close to final as we can advise at this time. 

Key Information:

  • Location: Dayton Masonic Center - 525 W Riverview Ave, Dayton, OH 45405

  • Dates: Saturday, July 31st 2021 - Sunday August  1st, 2021

  • Who: Residents of Ohio who are permitted to attend Rainbow functions per usual/as outlined by our Statutes. Otherwise stated for additional clarification: those who are typically able to attend Rainbow functions are able to attend so long as they live in Ohio. For safety reasons, we are not welcoming out-of-state guests.

12:40 - Pledge Ceremony and Pledge Lunch/Craft - RSVP with your Pledge Mom by July 24th (candidates due by July 4th)

12:40 (also welcome to join after Pledge Ceremony - Majority / Alumni Member gathering - interested in attending? Please RSVP here by July 24th

2021 Ohio Grand Assembly Registration Costs

Forms for Registering:

  • Assembly Registration Form - Each Assembly should submit one Registration form, likely by your Advisory Board Chairman, Mother Advisor, or Grand Deputy. This form includes a luncheon RSVP section

  • Non-Assembly Registration - If you are not currently affiliated with a specific Assembly but would like to attend Grand Assembly then you can register at the door at Grand Assembly as we have done in year’s past. You will be required to answer the below COVID Screening Questions and complete a Supreme Assembly Liability Waiver at the door. Copies will be available to you.

  • GWA’s Luncheon Registration - Advanced registration required - no tickets sold at the door. If you are not registering for the luncheon within the above Assembly Registration Form as a member/advisor associated with an Assembly then please email Crissy Willeke at to request a reservation for the GWA’s luncheon by 7/1.

  • COVID Screening Questions - as a part of our COVID guidelines, all attendees must be able to answer no to these questions upon arrival. 

  • Supreme Assembly Liability Waiver - ALL attendees will be required to submit a signed waiver upon arrival. 

Mother Advisors should plan to have forms A1, A2, and A3 from the Youth Protection Program Paperwork on hand for each registered member of their Assembly at Grand Assembly, per usual.

The decision to utilize overnight lodging is each registrant’s choice and as such they are fully liable for overnight accommodations. Finding and booking lodging is the responsibility of each registrant. This responsibility also bears your ability to select accommodations that meet your specific budget needs.

Attendees from Assemblies can choose if they’d like to all stay at the same location and could thus have a representative from the Assembly (such as Board Chairman or Mother Advisor) make a reservation.

With a busy weekend of other regional events being hosted in Dayton, we encourage all to make their overnight accommodations as soon as possible. 

There are hotels in the area currently offering rates as low as $75. Whether you book at one of the hotels that Ohio Grand Assembly has reserved a block with or not is entirely your choice.


No meals are provided within the cost of the Grand Assembly registration. There is  an OPTIONAL Grand Worthy Advisor’s Luncheon for an additional $12 on Saturday the 31st at 3pm for which you can RSVP for within the Assembly Registration Form (if registering with an Assembly) or you can email Crissy Willeke at to request a reservation. 

Those participating in Installation (appointed and elected grand officers, auxiliary, and reps, committees, etc..) will receive a boxed dinner on Saturday at 7pm. 

That said, general attendees should plan for the following on their own: 

  • Saturday:

    • Breakfast prior to opening session

    • Lunch between opening and closing session (if not attending the GWA’s Luncheon)

    • Dinner after the closing session 

  • Sunday

    • Breakfast before Installation

    • Lunch on way home after Installation


  • When are Grand Assembly Practices happening?

    • Floor Officers Only: 

      • July 10th, Noon to 4pm

      • Northwest Masonic Temple in Columbus

    • All Grand Officers (Reps, Auxiliary, Floor):

      • July 24th, Noon to 5pm

      • Dayton Masonic Center Auditorium

    • Business casual wear for both practices

  • When and where are Grand Representative Flags, Reports, and Costumes due?

    • Reports: Due to Joyce Conley by 6/1.

    • Flags: Bring to Grand Officer’s Practice on 7/24 at the Dayton Masonic Center. They will be judged and on display at Grand Assembly.

    • Costumes: The parade will be held Saturday of Grand Assembly. Descriptions of costumes will be due at the practice being held on 7/24 at Noon at the Dayton Masonic Center. We will not be presenting the Flags during the parade so there is no need to provide a flag escort to carry the representative’s flag alongside her in the parade. 

  • Will we be utilizing Flag Tributes & Escorts?

    • Yes - Flags will be escorted and receive their tributes during elections on Saturday afternoon. 

  • Will we have Grand Deputy escorts?

    • No.

  • Will we have heralds?

    • No - we may have one youth member or advisor who plays the processional song and/or taps during memorial but that person will be identified as needed by the Supreme Deputy. 

  • Do we need to submit a District Banner?

    • Yes - bring your banner to Grand Floor Officer’s Practice on 7/10. The committee will take them home and judge them before Grand Assembly and they will be on display at Grand Assembly. 

  • Will additional honor court members be identified?

    • No - Our Grand Worthy Advisor has previously identified girls for honor court who will be utilized in special ways at Grand Assembly. 

  • Will there be virtual elements for Grand Assembly so those who are unable or uncomfortable in attending may still observe? 

    • We are working to make this a possibility but are not able to advise details at this time. 

  • Will there be marches? 

    • Dignitaries and committees will start in their seats. The Grand Officers (Reps, Auxiliary, and Floor) will have marches that are more simple than a pre-pandemic year.

  • Will there be a jewelry room? 

    • No - please contact Melissa Cooley with your order requests prior to Grand Assembly (~June 15th) who will then fulfill your order at Grand Assembly. Melissa will share more information about deadlines for orders soon. 

  • Will there be mascots this year? 

    • Yes - Assemblies are encouraged to create and bring mascots for Grand Assembly but they will not be judged.

  • Will there be scrapbooks this year?

    • Yes - Assemblies are encouraged to create their scrapbooks but they will not be judged or on display this year for safety precautions.

  • Will there be a choir this year?

    • No - there will not be a choir this year for safety precautions.

  • Will there be a choir book cover contest? 

    • No - there will be no choir book cover contest since there will be no choir book or choir.

  • Will there be a minute book cover contest? 

    • Yes - please submit entries to Crissy Willeke by July 1st.

  • Will there be Super Teams or a Friday Night Party?

    • No - these activities are cancelled due to safety precautions.

  • What COVID Safety Protocols will be in place?

    • Please visit the following URL For the latest guidelines.

  • Will registrants be required to attend the luncheon?

    • The luncheon will be an additional and optional expense for registrants to attend if they would like. If they opt not to attend then they will be on their own to make their lunch arrangements for the day.

  • What lodging is available?

    • Registrants are responsible for their lodging plans and must choose whatever option they feel is best for their safety amid the pandemic. For example, individuals may opt to not stay overnight (if 2 day), stay at a local friend or family member’s house, book an AirBNB, stay in a hotel, etc… - this decision is entirely yours and is your responsibility and liability.

      Ohio Grand Assembly has negotiated rates and blocks of rooms at local hotels but these are purely suggestions and not required locations for lodging. Details will be shared very soon. You are encouraged to seek lodging in the meantime. Rates for the hotel blocks are looking to be roughly $130/night - $150/night for a room with 2 queen or full beds. 

  • What amenities will be available at the Dayton Masonic Center?

    • Changing Rooms:There will be designated changing rooms for each major group of participants (attendees at large, dignitaries, Ohio Grand Assembly Advisors, Ohio Grand Assembly Grand Officers). 

    • Security: Security will be provided by the Dayton Masonic Center but all attendees will be responsible for their belongings.

    • Parking: Parking is complimentary and located on the west end of the building. 

  • Will there be live candidates for Initiation?

    • Yes. Candidate names have already been collected for inclusion in the program. If you know of a potential candidate please reach out to your District’s Grand Deputy. 

COVID Guidelines as of 6.2.21

Ohio Rainbow COVID Guidelines for All Attendees of All Ohio Rainbow Events as of June 2, 2021:

  1. Masks are required for individuals over the age of 12 that are not fully vaccinated.

  2. Unvaccinated individuals who answer yes to any of the questions contained within the COVID Screening Questions are not permitted to attend.

  3. Anyone, regardless of vaccination status, who is currently experiencing, or has experienced in the last 24 hours, one or more symptoms of COVID is not permitted to attend.

  4. Any COVID protocols issued by the meeting location should be followed in addition to these guidelines outlined herein.

A note about courtesy and concern for others particularly while COVID is continues as an ongoing pandemic as declared by health and government officials:

Masks are encouraged even though they are not required except for those over age 12 who are not fully vaccinated. It is also courteous to be particularly respectful of other’s personal space by observing cues from their body language or even confirming verbally that they’re comfortable with any physical touch or close proximity prior to doing so.

The following is likewise implied:

  1. Vaccine cards will not be required to be shown as proof of vaccination.

  2. Obedience to the COVID Screening Questions operates on an honor system.

  3. The liability waiver from Supreme Assembly is still in place (attached for your reference) and is required for all persons in attendance at a Rainbow function to submit prior to attending/upon arrival. This form will be required with registration at Grand Assembly.

  4. Ritualistic work can return to normal and as such no longer needs to factor for social distancing.

COVID-19 Guidelines as of 5.5.2021

The following guidelines are in effect immediately based on the level of your county:

·       Yellow/Level 1 or Orange/Level 2: You may meet inside or outside while meeting the requirements for in-person meetings if all in attendance have agreed, as an honor system, that they answer "no" to all questions in the Ohio Grand Assembly and Subordinate Assemblies COVID Screening Questions.

·       Red/Level 3: You may meet inside or outside while meeting the requirements for in-person meetings if all have agreed, by confirmation of singular appointed advisor at each gathering, that every attendee answers "no" to all questions in the Ohio Grand Assembly and Subordinate Assemblies COVID Screening Questions. The appointed advisor shall ask each attendee upon their arrival to confirm such.

·       Purple/Level 4: You may not meet in person for any reason. You may meet virtually.

COVID SCREENING QUESTIONS: Also available under Resources > Mother Advisors


·       Masks are required to be worn at all Rainbow functions

·       Abide by any regulations that your place of meeting has instituted.

·       Total attendance of the group is to be confirmed by whichever is lowest:

    • The regulations of the meeting place

    • If outdoor venue: 1500 guests or 15% of meeting room capacity

    • If indoor venue: 300 guests or 15% of meeting room capacity

·       No singing in groups.

·       No touching.

·       Attendance is not rewarded nor punished during this time. Assembly incentive programs should be modified accordingly.

·       When serving food, check for the latest addendum to the Director’s Order that Reopens Restaurants, Bars, Banquet and Catering Facilities and Services to Dine-in Service, with Exceptions for the latest guidance on how to safely to do. The most recent addendum as of 3.24.2021 can be found here. Previously issued guidance and the original order itself can be found here.


·       Check the color status of your county here. This updates weekly on Thursdays.

·       A useful handout from the Governor’s office that describes the county alert levels

Tentative 2021 Grand Assembly Plans

Greetings all,

The Executive Committee, in collaboration with the Grand Deputies, has been preparing for an in-person Grand Assembly this summer. As with all things pandemic - we are taking it day by day and many of our plans are subject to change and include backups and more backups.

More final details will be shared around May 15th but we wanted to share this initial information so that all can have a better understanding of our approach and hopes for the weekend.

Please review this document, linked here.

Please direct any questions you have to your Grand Deputy who may be able to provide an answer or who may need to consolidate questions to bring to the Executive Committee. Thank you in advance for your patience as we work to re-configure all aspects of Grand Assembly.

COVID-19 Guidelines as of 3.24.21


·       Yellow/Level 1 or Orange/Level 2: You may meet inside or outside while observing the requirements for in-person meetings.

·       Red/Level 3: You may only meet outside only while observing the requirements for in-person meetings. 

·       Purple/Level 4: You may not meet in person for any reason. You may meet virtually. Please consult with me if you have questions about how to proceed with business critical items during this time. 


·       Masks are required to be worn at all Rainbow functions

·       Abide by any regulations that your place of meeting has instituted.

·       Total attendance of the group is to be confirmed by whichever is lowest:

    • The regulations of the meeting place

    • If outdoor venue: 1500 guests or 15% of meeting room capacity

    • If indoor venue: 300 guests or 15% of meeting room capacity

·       No singing in groups.

·       No touching.

·       Do not come if you have been in contact with COVID, had been diagnosed with, recovered from, or suspected to have had COVID (in absence of an official test to confirm) within the last 14 days. 

·       Do not come if you have or have had a fever above 100 or any other symptom of COVID in the last 24 hours. 

·       Attendance is not rewarded nor punished during this time. Assembly incentive programs should be modified accordingly.

·       When serving food, check for the latest addendum to the Director’s Order that Reopens Restaurants, Bars, Banquet and Catering Facilities and Services to Dine-in Service, with Exceptions for the latest guidance on how to safely to do. The most recent addendum as of 3.24.2021 can be found here. Previously issued guidance and the original order itself can be found here.


·       Check the color status of your county here. This updates weekly on Thursdays.

·       A useful handout from the Governor’s office that describes the county alert levels

Guidance for Ritualistic Challenges:

·       Marching: should be 6 feet apart so you might want to skip this if that's too tedious for a simple meeting

·       Sitting: No one should be sitting closer than 6 feet from each other (unless they're in their own household together anyways) so audience members and station chairs should be placed accordingly 

·       Passing: It's ok for members to come within 6 feet of each other when passing for ritualistic floor work 

·       Talking: When an office is talking to another office, they should be 6 feet apart (ie: when Hope and Charity meet at the altar - 6 ft apart. When Drill Leader comes to escort in the officers, she stops 6 feet prior to them...) 

·       Touching:  No touching. 

o   No transferring of objects. Just go without/mock the part. Some of this might look a little silly. It's ok. 

o   No arm-led escorting, ideally the escort is having the escorted person follow 6ft behind her

·       Singing: No singing. Either have the song played instrumentally, from a recording, or by 1 designated person/a soloist

·       No collecting of the traditional word - have adults be able to vouch for a girl should there ever be question

·       Praying: Ensure that WA and MA step back from Chaplain while she speaks into the microphone, if using

·       Balloting: 

o   Spray/clean the balls/cubes prior to putting into the container

o   Have sanitizer available from Charity upon departing the alter - girls to sanitize their hands after casting their ballot

·       Initiation in Person:

o   Be sure your candidate is aware of what will be happening and how you're preparing to maintain social distancing. It's important that they are comfortable - otherwise, do not proceed. There are a few ways you can go about this:

§  The closest to normal: Have the candidate follow Faith, 6ft back. Faith may need to give more cues about where the sister should ultimately stop or otherwise - it is ok for Faith to audibly make such statements like "Go stand 6 ft away from the Yellow pedestal there"

§  The next closest: Have the candidate(s) sit on the sidelines, 6 ft apart, and have a current member act in the above described "closest to normal" situation. 

§  The third situation: see your Grand Deputy. 

§  The route you choose should be based on the comfort level of all initiation participants. Regardless of what you choose, you could host another complete initiation for these initiates once we are able to return to normal initiatory work. 

o   No grip of the order - they'll learn it later!

o   Ribbons should be carried by the station's officer and placed thereon. The candidate should stand 6 ft clear of this act.

o   No traditional word - we'll share it at a later time! 

o   Lambskin Aprons should be picked up by each initiate and just held in their hands rather than Charity picking them up and placing on candidate

o   If rose ceremony, initiates pick up the rose from the pile/vase rather than Faith picking up the rose and handing to initiate .

o   Signing the bylaws - offer sanitizer on the desk for girls to use after using the pen to sign

Should you be having an event and a complaint is filed, the complaint will go to your county health department and they will be responsibility to come take a look and issue any charges. The Ohio Department of Health encourages you to call your County Department of Health to ask them about what you're planning to do, take note of their name, and then use their guidance for reference when planning your event and, should a complaint be filed, you could reference the name and guidance received from their department prior to proceeding with the event during their inspection.



Tri-Youth & Advisor Leadership Training Registration

Rainbow YOUTH register here

Rainbow ADVISOR registration is CLOSED, all spots claimed!

Join Waitlist here. We will know more info about how can be moved off waitlist, into the registration once registration closes on Monday the 22nd.

*please note that each youth group has their own links for each their own advisors and youth so please do not share these links outside of these respective groups to avoid registration confusion*

Tri-Youth & Advisor Masonic Leadership Training Day

  • March 27th, 2021

    • Virtual

    • 9a-1p w/ a couple 15 minute breaks in between

    • Adult Topic: "Building Relationships": Strong relationships between adults and youth are essential for healthy growth and development. Supportive and empathetic relationships become even more important as our youth grow older. Through dialogue and activity, we will explore the essential elements in forming these relationships. We will discuss expressing care, challenging growth, providing support, sharing power, and expanding possibilities. When we build strong relationships, we all benefit and we prepare our youth to be contributing members of our community and society.

    • Youth Topic: "Well-Being: Not just fruits and vegetables": Well-Being is defined by the World Health Organization as "a state in which an individual realizes their own abilities, can cope with normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to their own community." (2004) In today's world, well-being can seem unattainable and unrealistic. We will explore elements of well-being such as positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning and purpose, and accomplishment. By bringing self-awareness and self-management to the forefront, we can learn to identify our emotions, manage our stress, and develop healthy supportive relationships that bring us closer to overall well-being.

    • To join the meeting that day: be on the lookout for information to be emailed on Tuesday 3/23 or Wednesday 3/24 to your registration email address


    • First come, first serve until it meets its limit or midnight on 3/22, whichever comes first

    • If you register then need to cancel, please email Mom Whitney

    • if you try to register but it is closed, please join the waitlist to be notified if a spot becomes available

  • Expectations for the day: prepare to participate by having your camera on and be in a quiet space without any privacy concerns in the background.